Monday, 18 July 2016

Deploying Siebel Busines Service as Web Service

Hi All,

While working with Integration with different systems, we need to expose Siebel process to external system.
We can use Workflows or Business Services as web services and can expose these to external system. So the process is like.

  • Siebel Workflow/Business Service Exposed as Web Service
  • WSDL for the Web Service is shared with external system
  • Communication happens over different Protocol (SOAP / REST)
In this post i would explain and describe how to expose Business Service as web service.

Suppose we have a scenario in which External system need to query Siebel Contacts and get the result.
We will first write a simple Business Service with the Describe logic and once BS is tested will deploy it as Web Service.
I assume that you have already a Business Service Ready ,we need to follow below Steps: 

1. Navigate to Administration Web Service - Inbound Web Services

2. Enter a new record with the following details

  • Namespace - Provide a valid name her this will be used as refernce by external system
  • Name - Name of web service for Siebel reference

3. In Below Applet Serivce Ports, define the required details

  • Click on New button, 
  • In Business Service Field open the Pick applet, it will show the List of available BS in system
  • click New button in the pick applet and choose your created BS, and give it a name
  • Choose Transport as HTTP, and define the Address, its of the form http://<webServer>/eai_<language>/start.swe

4. In the below Operation applet choose the Method described for the BS, it shows the method defined in the Business Service - Method

After this steps your Inbound Web Service is ready we can generate WSDL for this and can share it with external system.

note: before generating WSDL , click on Clear Cache button to load latest data also make sure popup is not blocked. The web service can be tested on any SOA based tool like SOAP UI, more detail like how to simulate web service using SOAP UI i will share a separate post for this.

1 comment:

  1. This is an excellent post I seen thanks to share it. It is really what I wanted to see hope in future you will continue for sharing such a excellent post. norstrat


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