Friday, 26 June 2015

Updating Records using "Inbound E-mail Database Operations" Business Service

Hi all , in my previous post i described how tosearch for a record using the Business service ,this BS can also be used for updating a record.

Documentation related to Update Record operation of the BS is not given in bookshelf ,we need to give the following inputs.

Method : UpdateRecord
Business Service : Inbound E-mail Database Operations

The Following inputs need to be passed

Input Argument
Name of Business Component
Name of Business Object
Id of Record to Query
Field: Status
Field to update

The limitation of the method is that we have to query using Row Id only.

Hope this was helpful .. Cheers..

Siebel Foundation: Siebel Operations using Inbound E-mail Database Op...

Siebel Foundation: Siebel Operations using Inbound E-mail Database Op...: Hi all, While working with Siebel workflows i came across this Business Service “Inbound E-mail Database Operations” which I found very us...

Calculating difference between two dates in Siebel workflow

Recently i had a requirement where i had to calculate difference between two dates and perform some check if difference was exceeding a given number.
There can be multiple ways of solving the problem the two best one are either write a custom script and do calculation there or use the expression in workflow and store dates in process properties and do checks there.
My requirement was to compare Date of Transaction with present date and Execute a operation only if the difference was greater than 10 Days.

Approach : 

1. Create 2 Process Properties , 

Name : JulianDayToday 
Value : Timestamp()

Name : TxnProcessedDate
Value : Create Date Field of BC

The Difference can be calculated with Expression 
Difference = [&TxnProcessedDate] - [&JulianDayToday]

value stored in difference can be used in decision points to execute the desired step.

hope this was helpful .. cheers..

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Siebel Operations using Inbound E-mail Database Operations Business Service

Hi all, While working with Siebel workflows i came across this Business Service “Inbound E-mail Database Operations” which I found very useful. It has the following methods.

Method Name
Creates an attachment record.
Deletes a record.
Substitutes values in a template.
Finds a record. This method recognizes the CaseInsensitive parameter in the CFG file. By default, the CFG file is configured to perform case-sensitive searches.
Matches contacts when processing inbound email. Only Siebel Email Response uses this business service. This business service finds all contacts in the Siebel database with a primary or alternate email address that matches the From email address of the inbound email and then associates each contact with the email activity record.
Gets the field values from a record.
Gets a list of records.
Inserts a record.
Designates the hour clock for the server. A value of False (the default) indicates the server runs on a 24-hour clock. A value of True indicates the server runs on a 12-hour clock.
The Run Process workflow receives the date (Planned) from the driver in 24-hour format. Workflow executes the request on the server side. Siebel Server can run on a computer using a 12-hour or 24-hour clock.

While working in workflow it can be used as a alternative for Query Siebel Operation, to perform Search Operation also it can be used for various other methods mentioned above.
It is easy to use ,we need to pass the following argument in input and can store the output in Process properties for further use.

The following arguments need to be passed as input 

Input Argument
Name of Business Component
Name of Business Object
Field to Query
Field whose value to get

and in the output argument the value can be stored in Process property.


Siebel GoTo View - Handling Realtime cases

 Hello All,  We all must have used GoTo view functionality of siebel to navigate to a particular view from current view. What if the require...