Hi All ,
Recently i had a requirement where in we had to give user the option of changing their login password ,for tise siebel has given default functionality for password change.
1.Navigate to User Preference - Profile view
2. There are two fields Password and Verify Password, enter new password here and save the record.
and its done now you can login with the changed password.
Note : The functionality is available for only DB users ,users with Active Directory login (LDAP) cannot update their password using this approach.
Issues with this functionality.
By default the fields Password and Verify password are non-editable ,you can not enter any values in the fields, to enable the fields some changes need to be made at component level in Server.
1. Navigate to Admin - Server Configuration.
2. Go to Profile Configuration
Query for profile "DB Security Adapter"
4. Restart the Siebel Server and you are done, Now the field will be editable.
Hope this was helpful ..cheers..
Recently i had a requirement where in we had to give user the option of changing their login password ,for tise siebel has given default functionality for password change.
1.Navigate to User Preference - Profile view
2. There are two fields Password and Verify Password, enter new password here and save the record.
and its done now you can login with the changed password.
Note : The functionality is available for only DB users ,users with Active Directory login (LDAP) cannot update their password using this approach.
Issues with this functionality.
By default the fields Password and Verify password are non-editable ,you can not enter any values in the fields, to enable the fields some changes need to be made at component level in Server.
1. Navigate to Admin - Server Configuration.
2. Go to Profile Configuration
Query for profile "DB Security Adapter"
3.In the Parameter Applet find the record ,"Propagate Change" and change its value to True.
4. Restart the Siebel Server and you are done, Now the field will be editable.
Hope this was helpful ..cheers..