Sunday 22 January 2017

Blank Screen Appearing in Oracle BI Publisher, Integrated with Siebel

Hello All,

Recently i was facing a strange issue where no data was appearing in BI Publisher, blank screen was appearing and we could not work.
We have BIP installed on Oracle Weblogic server so we tried to look for the resoultion.

  • Oracle Weblogic was Running
  • NodeManager was Runninng and 
  • All BI Services were Up and running 

Still we were getting blank page in BI catalog.

Many Suggestions were given on bookshelf to check for password, User Permissions, JBDC database connectivity, Server Restart etc. but still error persists.
Finally we tried to look for the issue from Siebel perspective and the culprit was siebel EAI component.

in BI administration we define siebel data base connectivity parameters to allow BIP to access siebel data under the below screen,

Define siebel EAI connect string with username and password to fetch data from siebel.

I my case EAI_ENU was down so it did not fetch any data resulting in blank screen after successful startup of component issue was resolved

Monday 9 January 2017

Improving Siebel Dashboard, Integrating Siebel Dashboard with BI Publisher

Hello All,

I was recently checking our Dashboards for other CRM application like MS CRM, Sales force and found those very interactive with reports, charts and graphs on the dashboard itself.

MS CRM Dashboard: 

Salesforce Dashboard:

 So i tried to achieve something similar in Siebel too.

Here's what i finally got.

I tried to Display Chart, Bar Graphs and Service Request pdf on the dashboard to give modern look and feel to application.

 unlike Vanilla Siebel Dashborad that only display list applet and Calendar.

The concept here is very simple, i am using BI publisher to read user's data and present it in multiple format. This can also be done using Siebel Open UI where various plugins can be used to convert applet in charts and graphs but this solution is completely Siebel Configuration just requiring BI publisher.

Now what to show and how to show is completely dependent on your requirement, whether we require to show fixed data for each user or user specific data.

Your suggestions and ideas are welcome, i am looking forward to make it more interactive.

Friday 6 January 2017

Siebel eMail integration : Part Five, Creating a Service Request from Email Body

Hello All,

In this post we shall be looking at more advance feature of creating a new record(Service Request in this case) by extracting data from incoming email.

The basic concept is same like in previous post , we will check the Subject and based on Subject call the specific workflow process.

Important Steps are,

  • Reading Mail Body, we will use my favorite service, Inbound E-mail Manager, ParseText method 

ParseText, method reads the Field value in the format [Description]%s[ , i.e. it will extract the value in %s and that will be passes in a process property.

so like this we can get the values of the fields we require and save then in Process property.

  • Now, once we have the values to enter for SR creation , we can either create any custom process or can use any vanilla BS like Inbound E-mail Database Operations to insert record in database.

  • Now we need to send Notification mail to Requester with details of Service Request created for this we can use Siebel Outbound Communications Manager. We will require SR Id which we just created for this.

  • Sample Acknowledgement Templates

Incoming Mail ,

Response Mail,

Templates can be customized as per user requirement, hope this was helpful..

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Siebel GoTo View - Handling Realtime cases

 Hello All,  We all must have used GoTo view functionality of siebel to navigate to a particular view from current view. What if the require...