Tuesday 27 September 2016

Working with Multilingual Siebel Application

Hello All,

I was working in Siebel application in ENU(english language) only for most of the time but recently we had deployed our application in multiple languages so got a chance to work with multilingual application.
Some difference i observed are :

1. Many existing components are cloned for the new language, like callcenter_enu, EAI_enu etc. are for english language and for n additional language deployed n new components will be created i.e. callceter_fra, callcenter_ara.

2. Components like Communication, Data Managers are not cloned i.e. they are language independent

3. We need to manage multiple SRF files for each language type, default directories for SRF are creted under siebsrvr/Objects/Lang 

4. Each SRF needs to compiled with tools language set as that particular language.

To change tools language :-
Select Options from View tab,  from the Pop up select the language and click OK.

5. Symbolic String , with multiple language deployed each Symbolic String has child in the deployed language that lets captions to be loaded in different languages.

6. Multilingual LOV's, with multilingual application LOV's are maintained in multiple languages.

Other things are similar as in single language application, main points to keep in mind are multiple SRF and Captions for controls.

Hope this was helpful..

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