Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Writing Output in XML file - EAI XML Write to File

Hello All,

I was working on a requirement where after performing a update action i needed to capture the records in a file for EOD verification.
There are multiple ways to achieve this, i used WritePropSet method of EAI XML Write to File Business service.

Approach 1: 
Use Property Set to store Output and call PropSetToXML method of EAI XML Converter Business Service , then call EAI XML Write to File Business service's WriteXMLHier method to get the final XML.

Approach 2: 
Use Property Sets to store data , in Hierarchical Format (i.e. create Property sets in a way to maintain Hierarchical structure), then call EAI XML Write to File Business service's WritePropSet method to get the final XML.

Final Code :

Storing Data in Outputs:

var outPropset1 = TheApplication().NewPropertySet() ;//for output logging
outPropset1.SetType("Processed Invoices") ;
outPropset1.SetValue("Invoice Number :"+sInvoiceNum) ;

Passing Output in EAI Write to File:

var timestamp = new Date();
var month = timestamp.getMonth() + 1;
timestamp=timestamp.getDate()+"-"+month+"-"+timestamp.getFullYear()+" "+timestamp.getHours()+":"+timestamp.getMinutes()+":"+timestamp.getSeconds();

var XMLConvertorBS = TheApplication().GetService("EAI XML Write to File");
var xInputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var xOutputs = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();


Final XML:

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <?Siebel-Property-Set EscapeNames="true"?>
  <Processed Invoices>Invoice Number :81KHH66464</Processed Invoices>
  <Processed Invoices>Invoice Number :81KHH66465</Processed Invoices>
  <Processed Invoices>Invoice Number :81KHH66466</Processed Invoices>
  <Processed Invoices>Invoice Number :81KHH66467</Processed Invoices>

 more detailed ways of manipulating Property sets :


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