Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Siebel Open UI Enhancement : CountDown Timer

Hello All,

In this post let me demonstrate you Countdown timer API in Siebel Open UI.
When working with siebel application like call center or Siebel Service we often have SLA/Time frame for a particular call in which we need to close the request.

In this article i have tried implementing jQquery Countdown function that calculates the remaining time for call escalation and popups user for the SLA time remaining.

We can configure this on any event like click , mouse hover, on focus etc.

I have configured this for click event.


  • No need of manual calculation just pass the date in jQuery function and it will calculate the time 
  • Time calculated is accurate to Seconds
Sample Code

         var span = '<span id="CountDown"></span>';    /// Create a span to hold the time value

$('#CountDown').countdown('2017/08/30'.on('update.countdown', function(event) {
 var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(''
+ '<span>%-w</span> week%!w '
+ '<span>%-d</span> day%!d '
+ '<span>%H</span> hr '
+ '<span>%M</span> min '
+ '<span>%S</span> sec'));
/// function to set the time in HTML of span element created above, also need to pass date in this code

      Timeleft = $('#CountDown').text();   /// get the time value in a variable

Below is the sample working example.

Sample Video 

you can email me for the exact PR file. Your comments are suggestion are most welcome.

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